The Public Sector
The public sector of McBride Dale Clarion works on a variety of projects. These fall into the general categories of Plans, Codes, and Staff Services.
The planners of MDC work on a variety of planning products. This includes comprehensive plans, area plans, corridor plans, downtown plans, strategic plans, regional growth plans, and the like. Our clients range from rural to urban settings and small to large jurisdictions. A selection of our plans are provided below.
Williamson County, Tennessee
Comprehensive Land Use Plan
Adopted 2020
In collaboration with TischlerBise and KCI
MDC worked with the county on updating their Growth Plan Update

2020 Excellence in Land Use Initiatives Award by the Greater Nashville Regional Council
Williamson 2040 Land Use Plan
Grandview Heights, Ohio
Comprehensive Plan
Adopted 2019
Companion document to the Grandview Civic Spaces and Places Plan (by NBBJ)
The plan establishes a character-based land use approach with land use and building recommendations along with implementation initiatives
Grandview Heights Plan
MDC has assisted many communities with creating and updating their zoning regulations and design guidelines. This ranges from specific topical edits to complete overhauls. We pride ourselves on creating unique and tailored zoning approaches that reflect the needs and desires of our clients. A selection of the codes and guidelines we have worked on are identified below.
Dublin Historic District Guidelines & Code Regulations

Dublin, Ohio
Historic Preservation Guidelines
Adopted 2021
Winner of 2022 State Historic Preservation Office Awards by the Ohio History Connection
In collaboration with Landplan Studios and Preservation Designs

2022 State Historic Preservation Office Awards by the Ohio History Connection